A Poz Clinician

As a trans clinician, I truly celebrate the journeys all queer people take into seeing themselves within the larger landscape of queer experience. One of the threads I hold dear is being an HIV+ provider.

The topography of HIV/AIDS today looks so different from what it was when the first Plague hit our communities in the 1980s and ‘90s, yet there is much grief still under the surface across our communities. Age, access to medication, and degrees of isolation all play a role in how HIV/AIDS has affected us.

I welcome clients and families grappling with the role HIV/AIDS has played in their family, whether that be a new diagnosis or a historic wound.

In the future I intend to offer Group grief therapy related to the HIV epidemic and the lost generation of would-be-queer elders. Please reach out if you are interested in group therapy connected to this part of our queer lineage.